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" இராம. வைரமுத்து என்கிற நான், தமிழ் சமுதாயத்தினரைத் திருத்தி உலகத்திலே பிற சமுதாயத்தினரைப் போல் அறிவும் மானமுமுள்ள சமுதாயமாக ஆக்க வேண்டும் என்ற தொண்டினை ஏற்று வாழ்கிறேன். அதை செய்வதற்கு எனக்கு யோக்கிதை இருக்கிறதோ இல்லையோ ஆனால் அதை செய்வதற்கு வேறு யாரும் முன்வராத காரணத்தினால் நான் அதனை செய்து கொண்டிருக்கிறேன் " - இராம. வைரமுத்து M.S(IT&M),P.G.D(PM&IR), LLB..,

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

‘DMK has not influenced spectrum probe’ - Kanimozhi

DMK Rajya Sabha member Poet Kanimozhi asserted that the DMK had not influenced the on-going spectrum probe and it was not confident that truth would emerge, in an interview on the issue March 20,2011

When THE WEEK met her, as always, Kanimozhi answered questions with a poise characteristic of her. Extracts:

Do you think it is tough being a woman in politics?

Well, women are always targeted when they come to the fore. There are always people who are against women anywhere. This is not just about me, this is about every woman. I think they should go ahead and do what they believe in. It is best to ignore such people.

What would be your role in the coming elections?

I would do anything my party asks me to do.

Will the rift between the Congress and the DMK affect the victory prospects of the combine?

Any alliance is bound to have problems. Yes, we had problems and it was sorted out. What is important is to look ahead and work together.

There were reports that the DMK wanted a deal on the 2G spectrum scam probe. What kind of deal?

An assurance from the Congress that the CBI would not question members of Karunanidhi’s family until the polls are over.How can this ever happen? All of us know it is not possible. The spectrum investigation is being monitored by the Supreme Court. A minister has resigned and he has been arrested. Till now the DMK has not done anything to stop the CBI investigations. Why would we suddenly demand a postponement of the investigation?

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